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Nutrition for Cyclists

This writing is dedicated to the cyclists all around the globe and from my love for it. Cycling is an enduring sport that puts a lot of pressure on all the major muscles of the body parts. To ride better and feel better while riding, a cyclist needs to ... Continue Reading

Reasons Why Family Is Important In Our Life

A Family is an important and valuable gift that God has given us. A family to me it means “love”. They are people who will always be there for you through bad and good times. It is about encouragement, hope, understanding, comfort, values, advice, ideas, morals and faith. These ... Continue Reading

Joyful Artist

Our goal at joyful artist is to inspire kids and teens to live their dreams and to have a spiritual connection. We provide short stories that will make you feel the joy inside the artist hands. Leaving lasting inspiration to many to be empowered to face life.

5 Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Around 20% of people admit to hiding their teeth when they smile. The vast majority say that they are embarrassed by the discoloured appearance, and therefore pull off a ‘half n half smile’. There are a lot of reasons why teeth don’t stay pearly white over the years. A ... Continue Reading