Ahyanah Mincy is a blogger for OnMogul which is platform for women that gets millions of views of month. Mogul allows its users to ask questions, find jobs, have discussions and blog post. Ahyanah uses her space on the platform to blog about women in entrepreneurship and business. She is a business management student at Saint Peter’s University who uses her spare time blog about successful women in business. But recently this young blogger has been using her platform to give a spotlight to mom entrepreneurs. Behind most female business women she is more than just an entrepreneur but she is also balancing life as a mom or a wife or even single motherhood. Recently, Ahyanah has been broadcasting entrepreneurship in moms.
Moms and single mothers are unpresented in the media as business woman but the truth is there is millions of women balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood everyday. Ahyanah uses her OnMogul blogging platform to shine a light on these ladies who are running companies and stores at the same time. Ahyanah has spent several articles highlighting how everyday moms are also executives, directors and owners. She pointed out specific women are balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship and also showcased their stores. Moms are truly heroes in business but are often forgotten and represented in the media and finance world.
Ahyanah not only highlights the mom entrepreneurs but also ask them for their advice so they can help other young women and mothers. For example in her article “Mom Entrepreneur Shana Haynie Gives Advice to Young Women and Moms” she asked Shana Haynie to give her advice to young women and Shana gave motivating words as advice “life is about doing the hard things. Just because it seems daunting, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attempt to do it. The hard times are what make you appreciate the not so hard times, so wherever you are at in your life: embrace it, and don’t be afraid.” Ahyanah also did an article on another mom entrepreneur named Shannon Bedore who is owner of Slighline Retail where Ahyanah also asked her for her advice, “My advice for young women…..Yes, go try to get it all. You deserve it and you’re worth it. You’ll be tired, you’ll be frustrated, and it won’t be easy. But the moment of pure happiness and joy, and WINS that you’ll earn will far outweigh this. GO GO GO create the life you want!” Young women can actually be motivated and inspired to begin their own small businesses and use the advice of Mom entrepreneurs for everyday life.
For a long list of Mom entrepreneurs and wonderful encouragement Ahyanah wrote an article called 16 Successful Mom Entrepreneurs Give Advice to Other Mothers where mom entrepreneurs gave guidance to moms not only to entrepreneurship but general motherhood and life. Jean Brillman who is the owner of 2 businesses, Angel Pet Sitting and White Horse Coffee & Creamery gave tremendous words of suggestions for other mom entrepreneurs “Being a mom isn’t easy, and then adding a business into the mix makes it even more challenging. The first piece of advice I can give is to get on a schedule and be consistent, with both your business and kids.”. I will not give too many quotes of the amazing article from Ahyanah Mincy. To see all of her blogs go to www.ahyanahmincy.com
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