Com’nRootz Brand Design | Girls Mag

Com’nRootz Brand Design


I am because, We are!” (Clothing and Accessories That Breaks Boundaries! (Founded 1974 Lucy Ethiopia, Africa) We are All One——I’m Dope Cause We Are Dope!. “I am here for a Reason, And you are my reason that i’m here – Com’nRootzBrandDesigner Founder And Ceo Meskrem B Teklegiorgis-Lewam Eyob Line and designs was created to change the way we feel and look at each other, breaking borderlines, culture, traditions and taboo’s. The year on Com’nRootz Logo is the year the first human being was Founded her name was “Lucy” our brand wishes to bring back the unity of all life and humanity Our Com’nTruth is our Com’nRootz we all have something in Common. Lets forget our politics and Change the way we think of each other and Enjoy the Facets of Life Love And Dreams!.

(Filled With Positive Energy And Unity!) I want anyone who comes across wearing this brand will cross someone else who is wearing it and stop and exchange knowledge stories and Laughs gifts. What I mean by gifts I mean something that will help our journey to where we are, where we are going “Wisdom” and why we met. Take them out for coffee somewhere to eat or just a sit at the park you will see that our Com’ntruth is our Com’nrootz we all have something in Common lets share them.

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