In the summer of 2011 pop-singer songwriter Eye’z inspired by her love of celebrating her birthday and living life to the fullest created a show called Birthday Drama.
By doing so Eye’z was able to capture on film the emotional Roller-coaster that Birthday Drama is.
Eye’z overcomes many obstacles to record, promote and perform her music. Audiences see Eye’z come of age and experience a wide range of emotions from happy, joyful, & slightly disappointing moments as well.
This coming of age docu drama Has been gaining popularity because of some of the most interesting people, music artists, clubs, restaurants and businesses all over the Bay Area.
This seasons getting a little different though, Eye’z seems to be antsy this season and will probably be in a city near you!
With a whole new look and brand new faces This new season of Birthday drama which is currently filming is guaranteed to keep your interest!
Check out a link from season two!
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