Top Tips for Relaxing on a Family Holiday | Girls Mag

Top Tips for Relaxing on a Family Holiday

Family holidays are a great way to spend quality time with people we love, see more of the world and enjoy fun activities together. But these holidays aren’t always as relaxing as we might like, and many of us return home feeling as though we need another holiday to recover. While holidays with children, especially young children, can be hectic and sometimes stressful, they can still have moments of relaxation, and it is possible to get back home feeling refreshed and energised. Here are some tips to help you to relax on a busy family holiday. 

Find the Right Location

Family holidays are often at busy tourist hotspots, making relaxing hard. Instead, why not stay somewhere more peaceful, like Yellow Top Country Park? The kids will be able to enjoy fun outdoor activities, and you will only be a short drive from a busy city if you are looking for some tourist attractions. Still, you’ll also be able to enjoy relaxing walks in a gorgeous, peaceful setting. 

Choose the Right Accommodation

Think about things that usually make a holiday stressful. Things like kids sharing a room or not having space for storage can make life on holiday more difficult than it needs to be. More space can reduce arguments and tension and create a more peaceful atmosphere. 

Take More Adults

Holidaying with friends or members of your extended family, even if you aren’t actually staying in the same accommodation, can make your holiday much easier. They’ll be more of you to look after the kids, allowing you to rest. You may even be able to take some time away from the kids to enjoy a day out with your partner. 

Take Time for Yourself Every Day

Even on a busy family holiday, you should be able to fit in a bit of time for yourself every day. Whether this is a soak in the hot tub, an early morning swim, a night playing a board game when the kids are in bed, or a quiet walk on the beach, make sure you enjoy it.


On a busy family holiday, there’s usually lots that everyone wants to do, and part of our stress comes from trying to fit it all in or worrying about the expense. Instead of trying to do it all, ask everyone in your party for one thing that they want to do more than anything else (don’t forget your own!) and prioritise these activities and leave the rest. 

Give Older Kids Space

Older children and teenagers can be almost as tricky as babies. They might not want to spend all their time with you and might be moody at being away from their friends. Try to give them some space in your accommodation and a chance to be a little more independent outside of it while staying safe. 

Use Screen Time Wisely

You might be keen to spend your break away from screens, but after a busy day out, allowing a little screen time can help everyone relax and give you a chance to enjoy some much-needed rest. 

While you might be eager to give your children the perfect break, try to remember that this is your holiday too and that you deserve some time for yourself.

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