So you met a really cute girl at the bars last night with more than “hook up” potential and you’d like to actually try your hand at being gentleman and impressing her with a nice date. Only trouble is that you’re pretty low on funds and book buyback isn’t for weeks so a cash influx is not imminent. What can you do to still create a memorable night without breaking the bank? Try these simple tips for a date night worth every penny.
- Coupon deal sites –Use your coupon deal sites on a unique experience like a wine tasting or a boat ride and she’ll totally forget that she’s on a budget date, simply because you used a little creativity in selecting the date activity.
- Make Dinner – Date night doesn’t always have to be about going out. Hit up for some simple, easy-to-follow recipes that can be whipped up, or checkout Micro-Fridge Masterpieces on this site for some quick recipes you make in a dorm room with limited effort.
- Screening Tickets – Going to the movies is always popular date night fare. Film companies love to do advance screenings of upcoming films on college campuses. Tickets are free, and your date will be impressed that you were able to snag passes to the hottest blockbuster that isn’t even in theaters yet.
- Student ID Deals – One of the benefits of being a student are the discounts that you can get just by showing your student ID. You may be able to take your date to a play or a stand-up comedy event for really cheap. Check your college or university’s student ID website to find out what deals your ID can get you.
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