Studies have reported, the bottom of a woman’s purse carries more germs than a bathroom toilet? Ladies! We cannot rest our handbags on the floor! Think about your investment! Think about the “bad luck!” And lastly, but most importantly, think about those germs! Leslie Johnson Dorsett did just that when she invented Purse Props! This compact support device keeps your purse free from unsanitary surfaces, and (unlike purse hooks) it can be used anywhere.
When it is folded, Purse Props looks like a wallet and it is easily carried inside your purse. When needed, simply open Purse Props and it becomes a stand for your purse. The bottom of the patent-pending prop folds twice so it NEVER contaminates the inside of the purse.
So whether you paid $30, $300 or $3,000, Purse Props is for you! “The floor is never an option for me,” declares Dorsett. It’s not an option for most other women either, and now, thanks to Purse Props, there’s a solution for every woman who needs a place to prop her purse. Make your purchase at
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