We’ve just returned from The Dreamers Day. A spectacular event in Milan, Italy, that celebrates the opportunity to overcome ones limits and make his or her Dreams come true. Among the speakers and staff that created this incredible event, we had the honor of speaking with a quite unique and wise individual, by the name of Marco Nunzio Alati. Marco is a practitioner, as well as one of the two Mentors in all of Italy, for the energy healing modality called Reconnective Healing.
Marco has a Master’s degree in Biotechnology from Milan University. Marco quit his job as a researcher, after almost 10 years studying and working in this field, to be dedicated full time on spreading this impressive modality, Re connective Healing. Marco told us that Reconnective Healing has been confirmed by science and it has allowed thousands of people to restore their own health and equilibrium. Marco defines this work as a deep return of balance. It’s an opportunity to remember our real potential. Reconnective healing is an expanded wide spectrum of frequency that interacts with our bodies, our chemistry, and allows energy systems to restore to great vitality and a higher level of vibration. This healing provides the optimal opportunity for us to explore the fullness of who we really are.
The most astonishing point of Marco Nunzio’s interview is that he totally redefined the concept of Healing itself. “Healing is not curing. Healing does not mean fixing. Healing is deeper and a much more profound concept. Healing is an understanding, an awareness. Healing is the opportunity to dive into a knowingness of what and who we really are” Marco explains. Essentially, what Reconnective Healing means for Marco is to be living in a state of certainty, in a place of uncertainty, and allowing ourselves to trust in the perfection of what you call God, Love, The Zero Field or the Perfection of The Universe.
It is an absolutely fascinating way to approach life, and the challenges. When we asked Marco what his plans for the future are, his response was calm and profound: “I don’t have plans for the future and I don’t want them. It’s such a waste of time and energy to project yourself in the future. Stay in your present, have fun and enjoy the magic of every single moment…and by doing that, your purpose will come to you, it will dance towards you.”
It was an extraordinary and marvelous experience. We are definitely looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for Marco Nunzio Alati, a promising representative of The Reconnection.
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