Review on Venus Factor: A Weight Loss System Especially Designed For Female Bodies
A recently launched female fitness and weight loss program has been in the spotlight due to its effectiveness and special focus towards scientifically backed solution to the female weight loss problem. John Barban’s The Venus Factor program was designed after the research John had done to help sister get fit and achieve results she had always wanted. The system has been designed to be easy to follow and flexible to suit the needs of different women from various walks of life. The Venus Factor program has been successful all over the world for hundreds of regular women.
Men and Women are equal, yet different, it is how nature intended. Recent scientific studies have shown that the difference between men and women becomes more pronounced when dealing with the process of storing and burning fat. Women’s bodies store fat with the intention of using the stored resources of energy during times such as child birth and pregnancy, the fat deposits in women are generally focused in the abdomen, hip and thigh areas. This fat is also difficult to burn off using the regular programs available, weight loss and fitness experts believe this persistent problem among women can be due to the use of weight loss programs and diets that have been created with men’s bodies and weight loss in mind. What women do not realize is that all such weight loss programs can be counterproductive in their weight loss efforts, contributing to wastage of time, money and effort from women in search for programs that works, only to face the same problem and fail again. The Venus Factor weight loss system is a uniquely designed fat burning program that has been created with women’s bodies in mind, extensive research on the subject of how women’s metabolism work, how they burn fat and what causes them to gain the fat in the first place has been used to make this system, this program overcomes loop holes other weight loss programs do not address.
John reveals a priceless secret science has now discovered that virtually everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by one master hormone called LEPTIN stressing that high level of this hormone speeds up your metabolism and signal your body to burn fat and low level slows down metabolism and signals the body to store fat. The good thing is that women have twice as much of this natural hormone than men. This tip allows you to strategically eat the foods you crave most, and still experience the slimmest, sexiest waistline of your dream. Plus, you will also learn which common food touted as “healthy” can make losing a single pound virtually impossible for women. Visit for the exact reason women should NEVER diet like men. Follow the one effective female fat loss program to help women maintain that attractive muscle and body shape of their dream.
About: The Venus Factor Program is a weight loss program for woman by John Barban. For more information, please visit:
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Name: Karma Rimamcwe
Mobile: +919421867225
Location: India
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