So, you’ve resolved it’s about time you begin losing a bit of weight, and that working out regularly would be a good way to start. But you probably haven’t worked out in a while, so you don’t know where to get started. Perhaps you feel it’s a little daunting. But not to worry, there’s an easy way to get back into exercise: walking! Whatever exercise regimen you choose to do, walking should be an integral part of it.
First, when you’re creating an exercise regimen, be sure and include walking as an everyday activity. Are you a dog owner? Take your dog for a fine, long walk. Anything under 10 minutes doesn’t count. It may only have been ten minutes, but over a week that equals to 70 minutes, which is quite a good deal of walking. If you take your dog for a walk in the morning and in the afternoon then that number doubles. If you don’t live too far away from your office walk there, or at least some of the way. Surely, no matter how far you are from your workplace, you can work something out to get some exercise on the way there. Of course, you’ll need to walk back at the end of your work day, too, so that doubles your work out – a very good thing! If you ride to work, just walk to the next bus stop so that you do a little more walking in the day. It’s not hard to incorporate walking in your daily life.
If you want to improve your health, nothing beats walking. The reason walking is so wonderful for your heart and at helping you experience weight loss is that it is the perfect aerobic exercise. Walking is ordinarily done in a leisurely manner, so you won’t be stressing your joints too much, unlike running. My brother is very slim (but he eats a lot of junk food) and I asked him how he stays thin. He told me he’s never actually thought about it, but possibly it’s because he walks quite a bit every day. At the least it now makes sense. Walking is easy exercise, so there simply isn’t any good excuse for you to not walk.
The moment you establish walking as a part of your day-to-day routine, it will become easier to stay with it, and as a bonus you’ll start to notice you’re losing weight, too. You won’t have to worry about motivation, as walking is not all that vigorous, and you’ll be encouraged at how much better you feel. As you walk more and observe changes, you’ll want to do more or up the level of intensity of your walks. This is fantastic; anytime is a good time for you to do it. Who knows? It could be that you’ll take to walking so quickly that you decide to give jogging a try. After that, the sky’s the limit.
Now the cat’s out of the bag – there is absolutely no excuse to not get out there and begin walking. Even if you lead a busy life you can find 10 minutes to walk in your yard, or if you’re a member of a gym, nip in and do half an hour on the treadmill at a slow pace to start off with.
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