Like your face and hands, feet are also important for us. In all the seasons, you should take care for your hands and feet because they contribute to your whole personality. Especially in winter, hands and feet should be kept with great care.
Foot Care
Daily care of your feet can be more helpful for you. In winter following steps must be followed:
Always use moisturizer after washing your feet.
Use moisturizing soap and lotion.
Apply Petroleum Jelly on heels regularly.
Massage your feet twice a week. It warms the feet and relaxes your muscles that are somehow stressed due to weather.
Scrub can also be used to remove dry and distorted skin.
Wear socks and cover your feet
Use less warm water. It cracks the skin.
You will feel warm when your feet are warm.
Hands Care
Skin of Hands become dull and dry when they are ignored in winter season. They need the same care as our face.
Never use dry soap, lotion or any other drying skin product.Use moisturizing lotion after washing your handsMassage your hands thrice a week and try to use glycerin on your hands because weather makes the skin too hard and rough.
Glycerin keeps the hands soft and glowing.
Keep your nails small and clean. Do not use too much cutex on them.
If necessary you can also have manicure once a month.
All these remedies are to be done to keep your hands and feet healthy, smooth and glowing in winters.
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