Summer Tips for Healthy Vacation! | Girls Mag

Summer Tips for Healthy Vacation!


Now, we are getting somewhere! Summer is the time to forget about stress and enjoy your vacation to the full. Whenever you go, you shouldn’t forget to take all necessary measures against the sun’s harmful rays and summer heat. Thus, spending your summer holidays in tropical or dry area, think of protection first. Even if you are planning to visit Chicago, Ohare Dodge rental recommends you a car with the air conditioner. So, going to the beach or to the lake house, try to stay healthy! Here are TOP tips on what to do to stay healthy during your active summer.



1. Drink much water

Do you really want to have a healthy summer? So, water always goes first. It is important to drink much water during the day. Also, try to avoid alcohol drinks, soda beverages. These drinks cause dehydration, which is important in a hot summer day. You can read specialists reviews and recommendations in the internet about it. Also, it would be great to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. They give you some hydration and enrich your organism with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

2. Be careful with sports

Planning to have active and adventurous summer, make sure you take enough water with you. Doing exercises outdoors, like beach volleyball, yoga, football, drink as much water as you can. It is important to make pauses between the game periods or do sports early in the morning when temperature is not high. Doing sport professionally, don’t forget that hot temperatures causes so-called heat cramps. Think of drinking beverages, rich in not only vitamins and minerals but also electrolytes. You can easily find it in a non-caffeinated sport drink that you are offered in the fitness bar.

3. Breathe

Summer time can be really problematic for people suffering from chronic diseases. You may have problems with breathing if you have a sensitive or damaged respiratory system. To avoid breathing problems and enjoy your active summer you should refresh yourself with a cool shower and use air conditioner in the car or room.


4. Wear glasses

Don’t forget to protect your eyes in summer. It is not difficult to do! Just wear sunglasses! What else can you do to keep your eyes in good health? Just wear high quality sunglasses. They can not only protect your eyes, but face skin. Learn more information about sunglasses blocks and coverage.


5. Sunburns

Sun’s UV rays can be dangerous for your skin. Have you ever been testes for moles of melanoma? Modern digital technologies can do everything, even test your skin for melanoma so that you can prevent skin cancer. As you already know, skin cancer is usually caused by exposure to UV light radiation. It comes from excessive sun and sunlamps. Therefore, planning your active summer, make sure you wear sunscreen and take a test before.

6. Avoid sun during hot hours

It can be really problematic to stay in the shadow during the summer day. Of course, you can try to stay in a hotel room or in the car the most of the day. It doesn’t make your vacation interesting and active. But you can avoid the sun hot hours. Remember that the hottest hours when the sun is the most powerful and causes maximum damage to your skin are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. What to do? Oh, you can find much do during this period to escape from the sun. Just go shopping, take an excursion, spend time in the restaurant with your friends. But if you want to go to the beach, try to stay in the shade. It is not problematic when the beach territory is comfortable and equipped properly.

7. Use sun blocking cream

It is not a secret that using sun blocking cream is the easiest way to protect your skin this summer. Remember, the cream must be a water-resistant substance with SPF of at least 40. Try to apply this protection on your face and body about 20 minutes before going outdoors. Repeat this procedure every two hours. Moreover, you need a sunscreen even when the weather is cloudy. It is really helpful to reduce risk of skin cancer. If you don’t have a bowl of cream near at hand, you should wear light shirts and pants


8. Protect yourself from bugs and mosquitoes

Traveling to the hot countries, don’t forget about bugs and mosquitoes. They live in warm climate and feel comfortable at that. Having an active summer, don’t be lazy to apply some protection. It is not difficult to protect your skin from bites and stings with the help of protective repellents. Whenever you go outdoors min the period when the insects are active, try to protect yourself.

Summer is a period of sunny beaches and pool cocktails, sleepless nights and interesting journeys. Traveling through the country by car, plane, or even pit stopping, try to take all possible and impossible measures to protect yourself. Let your summer be healthy!