We are sharing our interview with a talented and glamorous actress Isobel Hyland.
Girls Mag Team : First of all please introduce yourself to our readers.
Isobel Hyland : I am an English Actress that moved to LA to pursue acting. I have been acting and dancing since I was young. After receiving my BA (hons) in Fine Arts Degree, I have been focusing on making films and being a part of films with a strong message. My recent film ‘Faire Le Pas’ was inspired by the Me Too campaign. My film focuses on speaking out when faced with sexual assault.
Girls Mag Team : Who or what inspired you to get into the entertainment industry?
Isobel Hyland : The dance school I attended The Jill Stew School of Dance in England always encouraged me to do my best. They broadened my skills in both dance and acting. My dance teacher, who passed away when I was young, Mrs Stew, always holds a place in my heart as I want to make her proud of who I have grown to be. With both skills under my belt I was leaning towards acting but it wasn’t until I was awarded a scholarship for Acting school did I really go for it. I’ve always been fascinated with film, and being on stage only encouraged me further to see what it was like to be on film.
Girls Mag Team : Your journey from England to LA to pursue acting was simple, wasn’t it?
Isobel Hyland : The practical journey and flight itself is pretty direct and simple, but to even get to that point was tough, both mentally and emotionally. I had not contemplated what it would have felt like to leave my friends and family, and it was very difficult to get use too at first. My parents and I worked really hard to enable me to work out here. LA was very different to home and there were a lot of things I had to get use too. Not only is LA expensive but the competition is on going, there is always someone willing to take your place. You have to have a drive here, a constant on going passion for your work. Things feel like they move slower here to me than say London or New York but the industry is still fast paced so you have to stay motivated.
Girls Mag Team : Tell us about your recent release ‘Faire Le Pas’?
Isobel Hyland : I was inspired by the Me Too and Times Up Movement. After seeing the women and men come forward over sexual assault it inspired me to write a story to inspire others. I think more people need to feel supported in their decision and the more we speak out about sexual assault the more we can help victims find some sort of justice, comfort or resolution. The film budget was fundraised and I definitely couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends and family. My director Ana Octavio was amazing and instantly saw my vision as a writer and was incredible in directing me as an actor. The cast and crew were professional and the shoot went smoothly, which was amazing considering it was my shoot, and I got to see it not just from an actors point of view, but also as the writer and producer.
Girls Mag Team : What kind of response has it received?
Isobel Hyland : I had amazing and supportive responses from those who have viewed it so far. After releasing it to the film festival circuit I have received several awards; for Best young actress, honourable mentions for best actress, and awards of recognition. I am still waiting to hear from more festivals but it is always encouraging to win some awards, it inspires me to keep going and keep creating!
Girls Mag Team : What’s the biggest achievement in your career so far?
Isobel Hyland : It has to be receiving awards for my first film, creating your own film from scratch makes you incredibly proud when you see it develop over time and then get rewarded for your hard work.
Girls Mag Team : Have you set some goals to achieve?
Isobel Hyland : Yes. I want to keep making films with a message, whether they make people laugh or cry I want the film to make people think. I want the films to be simple, short, I haven’t written a feature length film just yet, but I want too!
Girls Mag Team : Are you working on any new project?
Isobel Hyland : Yes I am, I have two in pre production right now. For both films I’m working with an amazing cast and crew and I’m excited to work with them. Creating with people you trust is rewarding as you end up working with them again, building worthwhile work relationships helps you, as you never know what or who you may need in the future.
Girls Mag Team : Are you active on social media? What’s the best way to follow you online?
Isobel Hyland : my website isobelhyland.co.uk has everything you need to keep updated.
My instagram @isobel_hyland
You can follow Faire Le Pas updates on it’s facebook page @fairelepasfilm