You just made important changes in your life and one of them is the purchase of new exercise equipment. Now that you are established in your new home, you want to start a more organized and healthier life, so you decide to start exercising. We all know that exercise is good, but do we know how helpful and effective it truly is?
If you want to feel better, have more energy and maybe live longer, the solution is simply to exercise. Some individuals do it for various reasons such as to tone the thighs or flatten the belly. The health benefits of exercising and doing any physical activity regularly are vital and these benefits are only for yourself, regardless of how old you are, your gender or physical ability.
Here are 7 benefits of exercising regularly.
- Control your weight
Exercising can assist you in preventing or maintaining excess weight. When you do physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the greater the calories you lose. You do not need to spend all your time exercising to get the weight off. If you are unable to perform a full training, then try to stay active during the day in a simple way. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator or do your housework more actively.
- Combat health problems and diseases
Are you worried about heart disease? Do you want to avoid high blood pressure complications? You are not the only one concerned about these. No matter what your current weight is, when you stay active you increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol and decrease unhealthy triglycerides. It makes your blood flow smoothly, decreasing the danger of cardiovascular disease. In fact, regular physical activity can help prevent or control a wide range of health problems like stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer and arthritis, among others. You will be able to stay far away from medical conditions.
- Improve your mood
Do you need to elevate your mood? Or do you need to relieve yourself after a stressful day? A workout in the gym or a 30-minute walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various chemicals that can make you feel more cheerful and relaxed. Likewise, you feel much better about your physical appearance and yourself when exercising regularly. That can increase your self-reliance and improve your self-confidence.
- Increase your energy
Do you get tired when you go shopping or do household chores? Performing physical activity on a regular basis can improve your muscle strength and increase your energy. Exercise and physical activity provide nutrients and oxygen to your tissues resulting in the cardiovascular system work more proficiently. Consequently, when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to do your daily tasks.
- Improve sleep
The best part about the workout is that it helps you fall asleep quick. Performing physical activity on a regular basis can help you to fall asleep faster and improve your sleep. However, we do not recommend exercising too close to bed time; otherwise, that will disturb your sleep and you will not feel tired rather energetic for the workout.
- Spare the spark to your sex life
Do you feel so tired or out of shape to enjoy physical intimacy with your partner? Performing physical activity on a regular basis can make you feel full of energy and look better, which can have a positive effect on your sex life. However, there is more to it than that. Regular physical activity can lead to increased arousal for women. Men who exercise regularly have fewer problems with erectile dysfunction compared to those who do not exercise.
- Exercising can be fun
Exercising and physical activity can be a fun way to pass the time. It gives you the opportunity to relax, enjoy the outdoors or just participate in activities that make you happy. Physical activity can also help you connect with your family or friends in a fun social environment. Therefore, we recommend you take some kind of dance, join a soccer team, or walk in groups. Find a physical activity that pleases you and practices it. If you get bored, you can try to do something else.
Exercising and doing some physical activity is a great way to feel better, get health benefits and have fun. For starters, you can do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Although, if your goal is to lose weight or be in good shape, you will need to exercise for longer. Remember to consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have not exercised for a long time, if you have chronic health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or arthritis, or if you have any questions.
Author : Reed Cooper
Reed Cooper is a Health & Fitness expert from USA.
He completed his graduation from the Department of Health and Fitness from a reputed University. He loves to help people to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals through his Blogging. He has good experience about Gym Equipment, Fitness and Recumbent Exercise Bike.
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