Planning a Celebrity Wedding on a Peanut Butter Budget | Girls Mag

Planning a Celebrity Wedding on a Peanut Butter Budget

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been dreaming of my wedding day. Like many other girls, I collected photos from magazines and other media sources in my “wedding book of dreams” that grew thicker and thicker over time. Though I found pretty much everything I could imagine, I also know that there’s simply no way I can afford the cost. I mean bridal dresses, makeup and other arrangements cost a lot.I’m not a celebrity, just an ordinary woman; so how on Earth would I be able to afford the massive wedding I’ve been yearning for all my life?

After thinking about it in depth, I decided that I needed to both cut items from the vision and find cheaper alternatives to the items I want to keep. You don’t need actual crystal stemware or diamonds in your tiara, simulated luxury would do just as nicely and cost a fraction of the real thing. By limiting what you want to have at your wedding and also finding the cheapest way possible to pull it off, you can instantly make your celebrity-style wedding closer to a reality.

To fill in the voids that removing certain items form your celebrity wedding will create, consider inserting fun activities that don’t cost a penny in their place or filling the time with inexpensive novelties such as sparklers for weddings or humorous fortune cookies that you had custom made. Wedding games and fun dance challenges won’t cost much to orchestrate and will eat up a good chunk of the time you need to fill during your wedding reception.

Also, try to book your ceremony and reception at the same venue, because that will cut down on a lot of the cost. Just take some extra time decorating the venue so it will work for both your ceremony and reception without seeming tacky to your guests. If you can find the right ways to lower your costs and have a keen eye for what can be eliminated from your wedding plans altogether, you can easily recreate the celebrity wedding you’ve been planning your whole life while keeping it within your peanut butter budget.

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